Ways to prevent catalytic converter theft

  • Park to make access to the underneath of your car difficult. Thieves need to be able to slide under your car to steal your catalytic converter or jack your car up. Parking close to walls or fences can make this harder and will make your vehicle less attractive to thieves. Reverse park as close as possible to your house or parallel park as close as possible to a wall or fence to make access more difficult.
  • Ask a garage to weld the bolts shut to make removal difficult.
  • Install security cameras and motion sensor flood lights to the area where you park.
  • Purchase a catalytic converter clamp.
  • Mark your catalytic converter with your registration or VIN number (ask a garage to do this or etch it on yourself) then buy a sticker for your vehicle to demonstrate this has been done. This may not prevent a theft but would make your vehicle less appealing and also make it easier to connect the item to you & secure a conviction should it ever be recovered. Stickers are available on Amazon.